FXCortex.com – Is it scam or safe?


We have received many complaints from dissatisfied customers, defrauded by FXCortex.com employees. The company that owns the brand is Greymountain Management Ltd. and it is not licensed and authorized to offer financial services. The site claims to be licensed and authorized by the Financial Services FSPC LIMITED but this is ‘an Independent Company that issues registration for Financial Service Providers based on internal criteria’ and is not an official supervisor.

Moreover, complaints in forums show the owner is a well-known scam company and it is almost impossible to withdraw money back from it. All reviews recommend customers to stay away from the company, defining it as a pure scam.

If you are a victim of scam and have any complaints from FXCortex.com, please report us and we will try to cooperate. Please fill in the form below, describing your case:

3 Complains

  1. They were investing normally for some time, putting no more than 10% of your capital into positions. Then you cannot contact them fo 2-3 weeks and then they trade entire capital into one position and your account wipes out. I tried to reach them so many times, no one answered me at all. I realize I will lose my whole account….

  2. OMG! WTF!! DO NOT ever think of using this company! We are a large group of investors who fight to get our money back. They multiply the word SCAM 500 time. They are so polite until you deposit money there. But then they become Gods and stop answering your calls, stop replying to your emails. They got your money! STAY AWAY!

  3. Total scam!! They show you that your profit will double and triple but then suddenly they will ask for more money to invest. In the end, all your money will be lost. They will never never NEVER let you withdraw any money. All deposited funds won’t get back! There is a special place for criminals like these!! Total scam!!


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