TNXTrade – is it scam or safe?


TNXTrade is a trading name of the company Smart Technology Services LTD, which is registered in the Republic of Marshall Islands (RMI) and regulated by the local banking regulator. The RMI license allows it to conduct investment services, which include reception and transmission of orders in relation to financial instruments, as well as execution of orders on behalf of the clients. TNXTrade is owned and operated by Smart Technology Services LTD through the website

So far, we haven’t received any complaints from clients of TNXTrade.

If you feel frustrated by TNXTrade and have something to share with us, please fill in the form below, describing your case:

4 Complains

  1. Great company, I have been working with them for a few months results are outstanding, service is top level, the education that they provide is top-notch.Also something that they include in the service experience is they prepare and explain to you what a proper Risk-Management looks like.

  2. I traded with this company and i am satisfied. I was able to make profit and withdrawals were successful, which was far better result compared with where i was coming from. Now i am a better trader , all thanks to their Academy.

  3. Hello
    you are hosting professional scammers
    TNXtrade company is a scam machine based on the name refund of the money deposited with them. They are very professional in this matter. Their website is a copy of and the rest of the information you validate is false: Address, Phone number, Names, Pictures. You must delete your reviews on them because you could be complicit in the eyes of some people cheated


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