Trade12 – Is it scam or safe?


The company that owns the brand, Exo Capital Markets Ltd, is not licensed and authorized to offer financial services. It is registered in the Marshall Islands and is not regulated financially. There are warning message issued by from New Zealand’s FMA, Italy’s CONSOB and Cypriot CySEC.

Moreover, posts in forums inform about posting fake positive reviews, blackmailing customers for more deposits, and huge difficulties when someone decides to withdraw money (impossible in most cases).

This should be a big warning for customers to stay away from the company, suspected as a scam.

If you are a victim of scam and have any complaints from, please report us and we will try to cooperate. Please fill in the form below, describing your case:

3 Complains

  1. Trade12 is a scam broker. They don’t allow you to withdraw, they will convince you to make deposit after deposit using different tricks such as managing your account. There is no way to get your money again. I had some advices with other experts and they told me their behavior is ‘strange’ and they provide fake data.

  2. I deposited USD1,500 then I realized some profits and wanted to withdraw. After that I received many calls from them and they insisted to deposit usd 5,000 in 3 hours to receive 1000 as a bonus. We had a conversation for one hour and they convinced me to deposit USD5,000. I was so surprised when my broker called me 2 hours later telling me that I must deposit more or I will lose my account. I disagreed and then they started called me nonstop. Finally I agreed to receive 5000 as a credit. I paid that credit next week. Then more calls followed with promises of successive trades. There were no winning trades but there were more calls for more money…

  3. Stay away from Eric Lansher and the scam company Trade12. They are pure scammers. I invested 21,000USD and one sunny day this criminal person has stolen all of it. This company deserves to be investigated and closed. I recommend everyone to withdraw all its money because they are criminals and operates illegally.


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